PozQoL: Expanding internationally

Image by Марьян Блан (Marjan Blan) on Unsplash

PozQoL’s international reach has continued to grow, highlighting its flexibility across diverse geographic and cultural contexts

As of 2024, PozQoL is available in in over 30 languages, greatly increasing its accessibility. PozQoL has now been used in countries spanning multiple continents, demonstrating its value as a trusted tool for understanding and improving quality of life for people living with HIV (PLHIV) worldwide.

Translation and validation

As PozQoL has gained recognition globally, several organisations undertook their own translations of the scale in order to use it in their local communities. These translations include Greek, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. Translations were initiated by a range of groups, including a peer-led organisation for people living with HIV, a university hospital, and a global healthcare consultancy focused on real-world evidence in clinical practice.

An exciting new development: the Turkish translation of PozQoL has been validated and shown to be an effective and reliable tool for assessing the health-related quality of life of people living with HIV in Turkey.

These efforts underscore PozQoL’s flexibility and relevance across different cultural and linguistic settings, proving its adaptability and value in various healthcare environments. As interest in PozQoL continues to grow, the scale is set to further expand its role in improving the quality of life for people living with HIV worldwide.

Real-world impact: A snapshot of global use

PozQoL is available in over 30 languages and has been used across multiple regions, including:

  • Asia (India, South Korea)
  • Europe (Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey)
  • Oceania (Australia, New Zealand)
  • North America (Canada, USA)
A world map highlighting regions in green where PozQoL has been used, including Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Romania, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, and the USA. Regions in yellow indicate areas where people generally speak the languages PozQoL has been translated into. These include large parts of Northern Africa, Southern and South-East Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas.

Green highlights where we know PozQoL has been used in research, clinical practice, or community services. Yellow covers regions where the languages of currently available translations of PozQoL are commonly used in daily communication. (Created with mapchart.net)

PozQoL stories from different countries

To explore more about how PozQoL is being used in different countries, check out the stories below from around the world and see how PozQoL is making a difference.

Use the menu below to filter stories by where PozQoL was used.

Integrating PozQoL into community nursing for people living with HIV

Dec 11, 20243 min read
Integrating PozQoL into community nursing for people living with HIV
Discover how Bolton Clarke’s nurse-led HIV program uses the PozQoL scale to deliver tailored, person-centred care.

PozQoL use in Australia

Dec 10, 20245 min read
PozQoL is now the most commonly used quality of life scale by organisations in Australia that provide services to people with HIV.

PozQoL in HIV care: Establishing a consensus on PROMs

Jul 17, 20235 min read
PozQoL and other PROMS recommended by UNSW study for use in clinical and community services working with people living with HIV.

PozQoL informs the Australian National HIV Strategy through the HIV Futures Study

Sep 3, 20213 min read
PozQoL informs the Australian National HIV Strategy through the HIV Futures Study
HIV Futures is a survey of QoL among PLHIV in Australia. Project lead, Dr Jennifer Power, talks about the study, and about how PozQoL helps this research.

🎥 Using PozQoL at Melbourne’s Alfred Hospital

Sep 3, 20213 min read
HIV clinician and researcher Professor Jenny Hoy talks about the benefits of using PozQoL in clinical settings. (Duration: 2m15s)

🎥 Using PozQoL in Living Positive Victoria’s Peer Navigator Program

Feb 15, 20216 min read
PozQoL Project Officer Petrina Hilton chats with HIV peer navigator Sarah Feagan about how PozQoL is used to support her work. (Duration: 5m54s)

Queensland Positive People (QPP) using PozQoL in Life+ Program

Oct 30, 20203 min read
Queensland Positive People (QPP) use PozQoL to evaluate their Life+ Program, which supports people with living with HIV throughout Qld.

Living Positive Victoria — Using PozQoL to monitor and evaluate peer programs

Sep 11, 20203 min read
PLHIV organisation, Living Positive Victoria, uses PozQoL to monitor and evaluate their peer programs for people newly diagnosed with HIV.

This story was originally published on 11 September 2020 with the title ‘Countries using PozQoL’. It has been updated to reflect new developments.